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Spring 2025 Class Schedule!

The Biology Spring 2025 Schedule is here!  
Updated: November 4th, 2024  
Please note: This is a tentative schedule - check back often for time/room/instructor updates.   

1101-13B20Biological InquiryMWF10-10:50 ADAR 103120Whitkus
1102B24LabM11-1:50 PDAR 00320TA
1104B24LabT11-1:50 PDAR 00320TA
1106B24LabW11-1:50 PDAR 00320TA
1108B24LabM2:30-5:20 PDAR 00320TA
11010B24LabT6-8:50 PDAR 00320TA
1151B23Introduction to BiologyTTh4-5:15 PSTEV 130080Guilford
1152B23Introduction to BiologyTTH9:30-10:45 ACARS 06860St John
1311-21B20Biol Diversity and EcologyTTH9:30-10:45 ASTEV 1400140Bentley/Lee
1312B24LabT2:30-5:20 PDAR 00420TA
1314B24LabW8-10:50 ADAR 00420TA
1316B24LabW11-1:50 PDAR 00420TA
1318B24LabW2:30-5:20 PDAR 00420TA
13110B24LabW6-8:50 PDAR 00420TA
13112B24LabTh2:30-5:20 PDAR 00420TA
13114B24Lab (SMC)F1-3:50 PDAR 00420TA
131S1 1Discussion (SMC)F12-12:50 ADAR 23020Bentley
2181E3Biology of AgingTTH1-2:15 PSTEV 110260Guilford
2201-7B30Human AnatomyTTh9:30-10:45 ADAR 10396Geohegan-Poe
2202B34LabTTh11-12:25 PDAR 22724Geohegan-Poe
2204B34LabTTh1-2:25 PDAR 22724Geohegan-Poe
2206B34LabTTh2:30-3:55 PDAR 22724Geohegan-Poe
2208B34LabTTh4:00-5:25 PDAR 22724Geohegan-Poe
2241-5B30Human PhysiologyMW1-2:15 PSTEV 130172Geist
2242B34LabM2:30-5:20 PDAR 23024TA
2244B34LabW9:30-12:20 PDAR 23024TA
2246B34LabW2:30-5:20 PDAR 23024TA
2401-7 0Medical MicrobiologyTTh9:30-10:45 ADAR 10272Staff
2402 4LabT11-1:50 PDAR 20818Staff
2404 4LabT2:30-5:20 PDAR 20818Staff
2406 4LabTh11-1:50 PDAR 20818Staff
2408 4LabTh2:30-5:20 PDAR 20818Staff
3151 3Plants and SocietyTTh1-2:15 PDAR 10740Bentley
3211-13 0Molec Biol, Cell Bio & PhysMW4-5:15 PSTEV 1300100Lin/Crocker
3212 4DiscussionT11-11:50 ADAR 23120TA
3214 4DiscussionT10-10:50 ADAR 23120TA
3216 4DiscussionTh11-11:50 ADAR 23120TA
3218 4DiscussionM5:30-6:20 PDAR 23120TA
32110 4DiscussionW5:30-6:20 PDAR 23120TA
32112 4DiscussionW9-9:50 ADAR 23120TA
3231-3 0EntomologyTTH8:00-9:15SALZ 201440Rank
3232 4LabT9:30-12:20 PDAR 00420Rank
3234 4LabTh9:30-12:20 PDAR 00420Rank
3241 3Biology of Marine MammalsMW9:30-10:45 ADAR 10735Crocker
3251 1Molec Cell Biol Lab Tech F1:00-3:50 PDAR 20520Tentative
3252 1Molec Cell Biol Lab TechF9:30-12:20 PDAR 20520Tentative
3271 0Vertebrate BiologyF9:00-11:40 PDAR 00320St John
3272 4LabF2-4:50 PDAR 00320St.John
3281 0Vertebrate MorphologyMW8-9:15 ASALZ 201220Geist
3282 4LabM9:30-12:20DAR 22720Geist
3301 0Plant TaxonomyMW1-2:15 PIVES 04520Whitkus
3302 4LabM2:30-5:20 PDar 00420Whitkus
3351 0Marine EcologyMW1-2:15 PDAR 23120Hughes
3352 4LabM2:30-5:20 PDAR 23120Hughes
3361 3Biology of ParasitesTTH1:00-2:15 PSALZ 201635Lee
3421 0Molecular GeneticsMW1-2:15 PDAR 02924Place
3422 4LabW2:30-5:20 PDAR 20524Place
3491-3 0Animal PhysiologyTTh8:00-9:15STEV 110240Zippay
3492 4LabT9:30-12:20 PDAR 23020Zippay
3494 4LabT1:00 - 3:50 PDAR 23020Zippay
3901 1Biology ColloquiumM12:00-12:50 PDAR 10360Bentley
4721 0Developmental BiologyTTh1-2:15 PSALZ 201224Hua
4722 4LabT2:30-5:20 PDAR 20524Hua
4801 0ImmunologyTTh11:00-12:15SALZ 103113Lin
4802 4LabTH2:30-5:20 PDAR 20416Lin
4971 3Biology of FungiMW11:00-12:15DAR 23120Kozanitas
500S1 2Professional SkillsT3-4:50 PSALZ 103120Rank
500S2 2MacroevolutionTH2-3:50 PSTEV 120720Geist
5901 1Biology ColloquiumM12:00-12:50 PDAR 10310Bentley