Scholarships, Fellowships & Financial Aid
There are several sources of financial aid that are available to you at Sonoma State University.
- Student University Grant - "SUG"
- University Scholarship Program
The application cycle is November 1 - February 1 annually. - Graduate Equity Fellowship
- Koret Scholars Program - SSU Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
- SSU Financial Aid Office
- CSUPERB: CSU Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology
- COAST: CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science and Technology
- Sally Cassanova - California Pre-Doctoral Program
- CSU - Chancellor's Office Doctoral Incentive Program
- American Association of University Women
- California Native Plant Society - Milo Baker Chapter
Research Fellowships
Various organizations and agencies provide specific opportunities for research. Here are some known to be available for master's students.
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships - Includes a $30,000 stipend for 12 months, $10,500 cost of education allowance, and an allowance for international research travel.
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships - Includes a $30,000 stipend for 12 months, $10,500 cost of education allowance, and an allowance for international research travel.
- California Garden Clubs - The CGC college scholarship program offers financial aid to students majoring in fields of study related to horticulture and the environment.
- Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education - A collaborative effort among accredited U.S. colleges and universities and the federal government. Multiple opportunities exist for scholarships and research training opportunities
- Robert and Patricia Switzer Foundation
- Rocky Mountain Nature Conservancy