Scholarships, Grants & Financial Aid
- McNair Scholars Program
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation - "LSAMP"
- Koret Scholars Program - SSU Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
- Genentech Fellows Summer Undergraduate Research through MESA
- SSU Scholarships Office
- SSU Financial Aid Office
- CSUPERB: CSU Program for Education and Research in Biotechnology
- COAST: CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology
- NSF: Research Experience for Undergraduates. Bonus - some CSU's serve as REU sites, i.e., CSU Monterey Bay. Full list of REU sites (check back as it is updated often). Also, The MDI Biological Laboratory’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program
- UCSF Summer Research Training Program: UC San Francisco offers exciting summer research opportunities for undergraduate students in the health sciences.
- The Buck Institute Summer Scholars Program
- Milo Baker California Native Plant Society
- Sally Cassanova - California Pre-Doctoral Program
- CSU - Chancellor's Office Doctoral Incentive Program