Shannon Erickson Lee

(707) 664-2320
Darwin 222Office Hours
and by appointment (virtual or in person)
Ph.D. University of California, Los Angeles 2002. Advisor: Dr. David K. Jacobs, Primary Mentor: Dr. Ruth Gates
Background as a Science Educator:
Sonoma State University lecturer, 2012- present
'HandsOn Integrative Science Time', Creator/Instructor, 2009-present
California State University, Northridge, lecturer, 2003-2009
University of California, Los Angeles, lecturer, 2002-2004
California Lutheran University- Math & Science Upward Bound Programs, Instructor, 1998-2002
Personal Statement:
As a full time science educator, my main focus is teaching, curriculum development, incorporation of teaching technology, and the promotion of active classroom/interactive pedagogy. Although I did extensive research as an undergraduate, master-level, and Ph.D. student I no longer maintain my own research program. I do, from time to time, assist other researchers, primarily in the field of marine ecology.
Areas of Expertise:
Invertebrate zoology, life cycles & reproductive strategies, metazoan evolution, nearshore ecology, and evolutionary developmental genetics.
Courses taught at Sonoma State University and elsewhere(*):
Introductory Biology for non-majors (GE)
Introductory Biology for majors*
Introduction to Marine Science*
Marine Biology*
Life in the Sea*
Ecology & Evolution: an integrated approach
Marine Ecology
Marine Habitats*
Invertebrate Biology
Biology of Parasites
Methods in Marine Ecology
Sex in the Sea: the oddity, ecology, & evolution of invertebrate life cycles*
Biological Oceanography
2003 Lee, S.E., Gates, R.D., and Jacobs, D.K. Gene fishing: the use of a simple protocol to isolate multiple homeodomain classes from diverse invertebrate taxa. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 56: 509-516.
2001 Lee, S.E., Gates, R.D., and Jacobs, D.K. The isolation of a Distal-less gene fragment from two molluscs. Development, Genes, and Evolution. 211: 506-508.
1999 Lee, S.E. and Jacobs, D.K. Expression of Distal-less in molluscan eggs, embryos, and larvae. Evolution and Development. 1(3): 172-179.
1998 Jacobs, D.K., Lee, S.E., Dawson, M.N., Staton, J.L., and Raskoff, K.A. The history of development through the evolution of molecules: gene trees, hearts, eyes, and dorsoventral inversion. In, Molecular Approaches to Ecology and Evolution. DeSalle, R. and Schierwater, B., eds. Birkhauser Verlag Basel.