Derek J. Girman

(707) 664-3055
Darwin 217Education:
Ph.D. University of California (Los Angeles), 1996
Postdoctoral Experience:
San Francisco State University.
Research Interests:
Evolutionary Ecology, Behavioral Ecology, Conservation Biology & Genetics
Research Program:
Dr. Girman maintains ongoing research efforts with graduate students and undergraduates for the study of biogeography, conservation ecology, and behavioral ecology of vertebrates. Current research projects focus on field studies of herpetofauna such as red-legged frogs and California tiger salamanders as well as captive mammalian species including rhinos and giraffes. Dr. Girman received both his Bachelor’s and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California Los Angeles where he worked on conservation genetics of canid species such as gray wolves, black-backed jackals, and Channel Island foxes, with a focus on the endangered African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus). Since then, Dr. Girman’s research interests have included conservation genetics and evolutionary ecology of a wide range of species, including African and Neotropical birds (Black-bellied Seedcracker, Little Greenbul, Sharp-shinned Hawk, Wilson’s Warbler, Catharus thrushes, threatened populations of steelhead trout, biogeography of Malagasy ants (genus Mystrium), behavior and conservation of raptors and herpetofauna, including glass lizards (Anguinae), California giant salamanders, and Pacific newts (Taricha species).
Course Offerings:
BIOL 130 - Genetics and Cell Biology
BIOL 327 - Vertebrate Biology
BIOL 341 - Evolution
Other: Sexual Reproduction, History of Life
Selected Publications & Presentations
Lavin, B.R. and D. Girman. 2019. Phylogenetic relationships and divergence dating in the Glass Lizards (Anguinae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 133:128-140.
Bain, T.K, D.G. Cook, and D.J. Girman. 2017. Evaluating the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on movement through wildlife crossing tunnels during migration of the California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense). Herpetological Conservation and Biology.
Graham, N.R., Fisher, B.L., and D.J. Girman. 2016. Phylogeography in response to reproductive strategies and ecogeographic isolation in ant species on Madagascar: Genus Mystrium (Formicidae: Amblyoponinae). PLOS ONE In Press PONE-D-14-140074R2
Humple, D. L., Nevins, H. M., Phillips, E. M., Gibble, C., Henkel, L. A., Boylan, K., & D. J. Girman. 2011. Demographics of aechmophorus grebes killed in three mortality events in California. Marine Ornithology, 39(2), 235-242
Deiner. K., J.C. Garza, R. Coey, and D .J. Girman . 2007. Population structure and genetic diversity of trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) above and below natural and manmade-barriers in the Russian River , California . Conservation Genetics 8:437-454.
Hull , J. and D.J. Girman . 2005. Population structure and historical demography in migrating Sharp-shinned hawks (Accipiter velox): Effects of Holocene climatic variability. Molecular Ecology, 14:159-170.
Outlaw, D.C., G. Voelker, B. Mila, and D.J. Girman. 2003. The evolution of long-distance migration and historical biogeography of the Catharus thrushes: a molecular phylogenetic approach. The Auk 120: 299-310.
Girman, D. J., C. Vilà, E. Geffen, S. Creel, M. G. L. Mills, J. W. McNutt, J. Ginsberg, P. Kat, K. H. Mamiya, and R. K. 2001. Wayne. Patterns of population subdivision, gene flow and genetic variability in the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Molecular Ecology.10:1703-1723.
Smith, TB, RK Wayne, DJ Girman, and MW Bruford. 1997. A role for ecotones in generating rainforest biodiversity. Science 276: 1855-1857.
Girman, DJ, PW Kat, MGL Mills, JR Ginsberg, M Borner, V Wilson, JH Fanshawe, C Fitzgibbon, LM Lau, and RK Wayne. 1993. Molecular genetic and morphologic analysis of the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus). Journal of Heredity, 84:450-459.