Welcome to Biology at SSU!
The Department of Biology offers a dynamic learning environment, exciting research and training opportunities and intensive mentoring of students at all levels. Our faculty are not only dedicated educators but also active scholars who engage in primary research to address diverse topics in the biological sciences.
The overall mission of our undergraduate and graduate programs is to educate the next generation of scholars, professionals and citizens so that they are prepared to meet the biological, environmental and technological challenges of the future.
Areas of educational and research activities include ecology, conservation and evolutionary biology, genetics, molecular and cell biology, and physiology.
Please feel free to contact any of the department faculty or staff if you have questions about our programs, or email biology@sonoma.edu.
California Sea Otters: Life on the Edge, featuring Dr. Brent Hughes
The Department of Biology is proud to announce Dr. Brent Hughes's research is featured in the PBS Documentary California Sea Otters: Life on the Edge! Read more from SSU News.
Congratulations, Dr. Hughes!

Congratulations to Dr. Brent Hughes and Abbey Dias '23 on their recent contribution to The Seagrass Restoration Handbook! Read more about Dr. Hughes, Abbey and the handbook on SSU News.

A big Thank You to Kieran Chiddix & Sarah Sanchez (Hua Lab) who mentored 2 students at Healdsburg High School! Read more about the new SSU - HHS collaboration on SSU News!
SSU has been recognized as one of Carnegie's Research Colleges & Universities (RCUs)! Take a look at the article on SSU News and the Carnegie Classifications List. Hua Lab student Dora Avanzi Mesquita's photo is featured in the article (pc: A. Stadie)

If you need to add or drop a class, please visit your advisor and do it soon! And the last day to apply for Graduation is Feb 1st!

Congratulations to former Grad Students Julieta Gomez and Rachael Karm! Their work was highlighted in this Dec 1 NYT article! See Student Highlights page for details.

Hey BIOL Students - Registration begins Monday, November 18! Contact your Biology faculty advisor if you need help.

Check out Biology Grad Students radio show Ecosphere, every Tues 4 - 5 pm on KSUN radio! For more info visit Ecosphere's Substack.

Congrats to Hua Lab members K. Chiddix, S. Sanchez Hurtado, & P. Swallow for being selected to represent SSU Biology at the 2024 COPLAC Conference! Watch their videos on our Student Highlights page!

The Department of Biology is proud to announce Dr. Brent Hughes and his lab team were featured in the PBS documentary California Sea Otters: Life on the Edge. For more information, visit SSU News. Congratulations Dr. Hughes!

Huge Congratulations to Dr. Lisa Hua and the Hua Lab on receiving Sonoma State's first ever grant from the National Institutes of Health! The Hua Lab will use the funds to research chromosome organization and division. Way to go Hua Lab team!